
Volunteer and get involved

Support our community by making a hands-on impact! Desert Mission offers volunteer opportunities for both groups and individuals.


Volunteering details and opportunities:

Desert Mission is open for volunteering opportunities over our standard hours of operation, Monday - Friday, and on select weekend dates for Desert Mission special events.


  • Age: Volunteers must be aged 16+.
  • Wardrobe: Closed-toe shoes required; sleeveless shirts not allowed.
  • Group size: Maximum group volunteering capacity is approximately between 15-20 individuals.
  • Volunteering 4x or more in one year? A person (group members, included) may volunteer within the HonorHealth network up to 4 times in one calendar year without going through formal onboarding. If you are interested in volunteering more than 4 times in one year and would like to learn more about the onboarding process, please contact HonorHealth Volunteer Services or fill out the "Recurring individual volunteer sign-up" form above.
  • Depending on the activity, our Adult Day Health Care and Lincoln Learning Center programs may require a fingerprint clearance card.

How to schedule or learn more

  • Individuals
    ` - - > One-time volunteers (up to 4 times per year), please email
    ` - - > If interested in volunteering on a recurring basis, please select our "Individual volunteer sign-up" form above or visit HonorHealth Volunteer Services to learn more.

  • Groups
    ` - - > Please fill out our online Volunteer Group Request form to schedule your group at Desert Mission Food Bank.  
    ` - - > Our other Desert Mission programs may have special group volunteer opportunities throughout the year that will be posted here as they arise. Stay tuned for updates! 

Upcoming special event volunteering opportunities

  • Postal Drive | Saturday, May 10
  • Turkey Distribution | Saturday, November 22
  • Holiday Adopt a Family | Monday, December 8 - Friday, December 12

    Questions about our special events? Email us to learn more or to be added to our special event volunteer interest list. 

Get started or get more info

For more information about these programs.